Monday, November 22, 2021

Week of 11/22/2021


The Fascists Have Been Here All This Time

In his November 19th article, Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts Jr starts off his article with the proclamation of “The Nazis Are Coming”, making reference to the temper tantrums of the anti-vaxxers and their fake victimhood pronouncements by wearing the symbols of the torment Jewish people endured by the Nazis in the 1930’s and 1940’s.  

Although the Jewish people were singled out by the Nazis, they weren’t the only ones deemed “subhuman” by the party of hate and fake-supremacy and subsequentially exiled, imprisoned, branded, tortured, and slaughtered.  But I suppose it’s easier for their fragile snowflake egos to use the Star of David and self-drawn prison numbers on their arm than to try to use symbols of any other oppressed minority.  By the way, they also failed history, but that should come as to no surprise with some of these anti-vax/anti-mask people.

But Pitts does point out something important with talking about this hypocrisy... the real “Nazis” are the ones trying to pretend to be the victims.

And, in that regard, the “Nazis” are not “coming.”  They’re here.

They’ve been here all this time.

In the 1920’s, while fascism was rising in Italy, the Klu Klux Klan marched proudly through the streets of Washington DC.  Proudly, in full robes, carrying banners.  Their goals, no different than those of Benito Mussolini’s Fascist party, except with the white-supremacy thrown in.

In the 1930’s, while the Nazi Party was gaining power in Germany, German-Americans formed their own German-American Bund, holding a huge party at Madison Square Garden in 1939 with Nazi symbols mixed in with the American flag and a huge image of George Washington.  None of that was accidental.  They gave the fantasy that this has been what America has been all this time.  They had parades and bookstores and even summer camps for the children, just like their European counterparts.

Where did these American groups go after World War II?  Nowhere.  What happened to them after the horrors of German and Italian atrocities were exposed to the world and war-crimes trials were being conducted?  Nothing.

They didn’t die out.  They didn’t magically disappear.  They stayed right where they were and went underground.  They put away the symbols and the robes, bringing them out only among their own.  They met in the dark of night and in basement rooms.  They were seen as that crazy uncle who you didn’t want to get caught in a conversation with at family gatherings.  They were the shifty neighbor suspicious of everyone and everything.  They were the group in the back corner of the bar that cover for each other and say “he’s just drunk, he don’t know what he’s saying.”

Yeah, sometimes they’d make an appearance and do something stupid, but those were really just the fringe.  The real ones learned to hide their agenda using code.  They’d avoid racial words and instead use loaded topics like “forced bussing” and “welfare queens.”  They would talk about “national security” instead of nationalities.  They’d throw temper tantrums about “debt” when it came to any program that benefited others, but demand fiscal carte blanche for their various pricy “wars” which exclusively benefited their own.

This is “the base” that a certain orange-skinned narcissist tapped into in 2015.  The group that saw the rise of Narcissist Donald John Trump as their opportunity to come a little more out of the shadows.  The group that he pandered to that led to the Charlottesville protests in 2017, where they were able to rally holding tiki torches in reminiscence of the Nuremberg rally of 1934 and scream that they would not be “replaced” just like their German predecessors did.  The group that cheered when their narcissist, then the President of the United States, proudly proclaimed that he was a nationalist and encouraged others to do the same.

This is the group that talk about “stolen elections” and “stolen culture” and “replacement theory,” no different than the propaganda of 1930’s Germany.  “The Big Lie,” the rule of 1930’s German propaganda, is now repeated over and over when it comes to anything related to the pandemic or who won the 2020 election or the economy.  The blood and human feces were not even washed off the hall of Congress in the aftermath of the January 6th Insurrection, the “Capitol Putsch,” when “The Big Lie” began spinning about who carried out the insurrection.

These same people were once your crazy uncle, or your paranoid conspiracy-theory neighbor, or that group that keep to themselves at the bar mumbling stuff that they would later say was because they were drunk.  The ones that had secret meetings at the dead of night, in the middle of the woods, but now they don’t have to, because now they can put on a certain baseball cap and wave a certain flag with a narcissist’s last name on it.  And they can do so without shame.

Let’s get brutally honest here... call them Nazis, call them fascists, call them nationalists or white-nationalists or Christian-nationalists all you want, the truth is that they are already here.  They’ve been here all this time.  It’s just that now they found a way to rebrand who they are and what they want. 

There is nothing “alt” about them either.  They’re not the fringe anymore.  The idea that they are some “alt-right” group died in 2016.  Anyone who thinks that they are still some “extreme minor faction” is deluding themselves. 

The threat to America is not hypothetical.  It was not abated by having someone else in the White House.  We are where Italy and Germany were almost a century ago.  They learned from history.  We haven’t.  And we need to.

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