Monday, November 8, 2021

Week of 11/08/2021

November Hodgepodge

The end of the year is fast approaching, but we still have a lot of stuff to talk about, and too much for me to focus on just one commentary.  So let’s get to it...

Infrastructure – A certain orange-skinned narcissist promised “Infrastructure Week” that would give America its much-needed funds to fix the crumbling roads and bridges.  And then the following year would be “Infrastructure Week”... and so on and so forth... where the Con-in-Chief would promise those much-needed funds that would somehow not materialize.  No legislation would be passed, never mind reach his desk to sign, but he would just keep promising one “Infrastructure Week” after another.

Funny too, because we didn’t hear about any kind of infrastructure bill being held up by a Dem senator or filibustered or not being brought to a vote because of Nancy Pelosi, and you know that both the air-fluffed ego-driven media and the narcissist and his cult would be screaming to the high-heavens if that happened.  And it’s not like he didn’t have the votes.  For two years he had unchallengeable support of the Senate and the House of Representatives, and they were quick to bypass rules and procedures to give him whatever else he wanted.  Just... not... this.

Fast-forward to November of 2021.  A new president, and a different Congress have finally passed that infrastructure bill and sent it to his desk.  And it only took 11 months to do what that orange-skinned narcissistic con-artist kept on promising for four years but never delivered.

That’s a serious win for Joe Biden, and a kick in the gonads for the cult of Narcissist Donald Trump.

Aaron Rodgers, Loser-Liar – Aaron Rodgers plays for the Green Bay Packers football team.  He thought he was smart.  He thought he could get away with playing football and not be vaccinated as per the league’s vaccine rules.  He said he was “immunized”, but he never said he was vaccinated.  Turned out he was lying, and he ended up with COVID.

Whether or not he gets “punished” by the league is, right now, immaterial.  Now he’s claiming “victimhood” because his lie was uncovered.  He claims to be “allergic” to two of the ingredients, but won’t say which ones.  He claimed to follow the rules, except when it came to masks.

You know, folks, when I was considering getting vaccinated, I first asked if the vaccines were egg-based, which I am allergic to.  Same reason why I can’t take the flu vaccines.  Thankfully they aren’t.  But at least I am up-front about it.  I’m not playing a liar’s game like he is.

Let’s get brutally honest here... Aaron Rodgers is not a victim of anything but his own self-entitled arrogance and his lies.  He’s not a “victim”.  He’s a liar and a loser.

Unfortunately, he’s not alone as there are plenty of people who are throwing screaming tantrums over being told they either have to get immunized or else they would be out of work.  Doctors, nurses, teachers, police officers, paramedics, airline pilots, they’re all whining about how they would have to lose their jobs because they don’t want to be vaccinated.

Well then, good, because we don’t need those people risking the health and safety of others.  Even if they don’t get fired, they could lose their health insurance coverage if they refuse to be immunized and do get COVID.  That’s called a “pre-existing condition” and they’re looking at million-dollar medical bills if they do end up in the hospital.

Rodgers doesn’t even have to face suspension under the league rules, unlike many other people who aren’t being paid his rockstar salary.  And that makes his loser whining even more pathetic.

Election-Day Drumming – So this past Tuesday was the off-off-off Election Day and it sucked to be a Democrat.  Everyone put their hopes on Virginia’s gubernatorial race to be a win for their party, with former governor Terry McAuliffe wanting his old job back.  Turned out that didn’t happen.  He lost to a guy who ran keeping an arm’s length of Narcissist Trump but still played by the narcissist’s playbook.

And now everyone is wondering why the Dems failed.  Why couldn’t they win?  Maybe if that infrastructure bill got passed sooner... maybe if they ran the race differently....

Or maybe... just maybe... they had the wrong candidate. 

The former governor wasn’t the incumbent.  He was an old player from the days of Bill and Hillary Clinton.  Yet another “entitled” politician who thought that he would win just because he’s “paid his dues” and “waited his turn”.  That didn’t fly with Hillary in 2016.  Why do they think it would work for him?  Because of Biden?  Biden was a fluke, going up against a malignant narcissist with psychological disadvantages.  McAuliffe wasn’t running against Trump.  He was running against a cult follower who distanced himself from Trump while still preaching the cult’s gospel.  And that made Glenn Youngkin even more dangerous.

Oh, and I keep saying it, but nobody wants to listen... it’s goddamned time to end the stupid polls!  Your polls are wrong; you know it, I know it, and everyone else know it.  The only poll that matters is the ballot box.  Everything else is fantasy politics.

Question for the Attorney General of the United States – When are you going to arrest the mad monk Steve Bannon for his refusal to follow the Congressional subpoena?  That is the question that Attorney General Merrick Garland needs to be asked every single day until he has the mad monk in handcuffs and dragged to prison.

No man is above the law.  Even the United States Supreme Court has made it clear in recent months.  If you cannot do uphold the law and bring Bannon to justice, then you are a lily-livered yellow-bellied coward and you have no business in that position.  It is that simple.

New Rule on CRT - If you don’t know what “Critical Race Theory” is, then you don’t get to whine and bitch about it.

A good ol’ boy was being interviewed and he was asked what “Critical Race Theory” is, and in the span of thirty seconds, he said he “couldn’t go into the details” because he didn’t really know what it is.  He just “knew” that it needed to be “stopped”.

He could not define what it is, but he still hates it.

His ignorance and stupidity know no bounds.  And he is not alone either.

It’s like the old joke from Orson Wells where he says, “I don’t know anything about art, but I know what I like.”

It’s like the people who say they hate “Obamacare” but still love the Affordable Care Act, which is the exact same thing.  They hate “obscenity” and “indecency”, but they can’t tell you what it specifically is.  They claim to be Christians, yet they hate everything that Jesus of Nazareth preached for and stood for.  Their hypocritical black-white doublethink is downright Orwellian.

And finally...

Daylight Savings Time – End it.  That simple.  It is a psychological and physiological assault on the human body when you disrupt their sleep cycle twice a year, even on a weekend, and even for an hour.  Whatever justification for it a century ago died with the century.  We are not burning candlewax like Ben Franklin complained about in the 1700’s.  We’re not “saving energy” like we used to because of our increased dependence on electricity for computers and HVAC systems.  All we are doing now is subjecting people to greater risks of heart attacks, vehicle accidents, and workplace accidents.

This is a universal non-partisan issue.  It doesn’t matter which party is in power or which party is in the White House.  Numerous states across the United States have demanded this end.  So end it.  Kill Daylight Savings Time.  Bring this torture to an end.  Trust me, people will thank whomever is in power when they do it.

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