Monday, October 29, 2018

Week of 10/29/2018

If You Don’t Like What You See, Then You Need To Vote!
This article goes to every registered voter in America.  If you are not registered to vote by now, it’s already too late.
If you’ve already voted through absentee ballots or early voting (if your state allows it), then, thank you.  I’ve done so as well.
But for the rest of you who are eligible and registered to vote in America, you need to pay attention to what I have to say. 
I’m not going to give you the lie that liberals and progressives and the media always say about “this is the most important election ever, and this time we really, really, really mean it” because that is an outright lie.  *Every* election is important!  Every single one of them!  So to say that this election is important, when the exact same thing was said in every previous election is just disingenuous.
But I will tell you that this is your opportunity to do something about the madness and the insanity that the GOP-dominated tyranny and a narcissistic self-professed nationalist president have been imposing on America and the world.  You can’t control what Narcissist Donald Trump and his gang of fascistic GOP sociopaths do while in office, but you do have this one opportunity to change who stays in office.  And that only comes through your vote.
There has been a lot that has been going on since Narcissist Trump won the White House that has been an embarrassment.  Whether he is throwing tantrums on Twitter or acting like a petulant child in front of European leaders, or sucking up to tyrants while attacking our allies, or voiding all sorts of treaties just so he can supposedly “renegotiate” them, or invoking trade wars that are already being felt in our economy, or bullying members of his own cabinet like a third-world dictator, Narcissist Trump has been pissing on everything his White House predecessors have built and established.  And he’s done so with no fear whatsoever of reprisals, because he knows that the sociopaths in the GOP-dominated legislature will do nothing to stop him.  Not one goddamned thing.  They are afraid of him and of his cult followers.
But while Narcissist Trump’s tenure is not up for a vote this time around, the sociopaths in the GOP-dominated legislature are.  And in Narcissist Trump’s eyes, it is still all about him.  He believes that *he is* the GOP, and that it is an extension of him.
So I will make this as simple and as direct as I can…
If you do not like what Narcissist Trump and his acolytes and the sociopaths in the GOP have been doing, then you need to vote.
If you don’t like how Narcissist Trump is waging trade wars at the expense of our economy, then you need to vote.
If you hate that Narcissist Trump sucks up to tyrants like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un and behaves like a schoolgirl with a crush on them, then you need to vote.
If you object to Narcissist Trump’s endless assault on journalism, calling them “enemies of the people” and being complicit in the assault on the press, including the physical assault on one American journalist and the brutal murder of a US resident journalist, then you need to vote.
If you are furious at the news that a diehard Trump supporter just tried to murder all of Trump’s political enemies through mail bombs, then you need to vote.
If you are furious that a self-professed nationalist just slaughtered eleven people in a synagogue on October 27th because he hates immigrants and refugees just like Narcissist Trump, then you need to vote.
If you are furious at the wave of hate and open bigotry that is bubbling to the surface ever since that self-professed nationalist Narcissist Trump came to power, including some of the most recent and blatant forms of racist aggression, then you need to vote.
If you are angry at how the GOP steamrolled-in Trump’s appointees after spending eight years committing open acts of insurrection, then you need to vote.
If you hate that Brett Kavanaugh is now a Supreme Court justice and how that came about, then you need to vote.
If you hate the various efforts committed by members of the fascistic GOP to suppress your vote and to deny your right to vote, then you *really* need to vote.
If you are disgusted by the blatant and rampant hypocrisy being committed by the supporters of Narcissist Trump, holding him blameless for the things that they have crucified others for in the past, then you need to vote.
In short, let’s get brutally honest here… if you do not like what has been going on in the past two years, then you need to exercise your right and your responsibility as a registered and eligible voter and vote for change.  That is your duty as an American.
No march will change things.  No number of pink caps will change things.  No hashtag will change things.  No letters to the newspapers will change things.  No amount of protests will change things.  No calls to your local officials will change things like voting will.
Do not listen to what “the polls” say.  The polls lie!  The only polling that matters is the ballot box!  Everything else is nothing more than fantasy politics.  Never trust what you hear about those polls, especially when it is favorable to your candidate.  The only reason you hear about those other polls is to either scare you into voting or to lull you away from voting.
And, yes, the Democrats are horrid.  But are they that bad that you would allow what Narcissist Trump and the sociopathic GOP have been doing to go on?  Because what you’ve been seeing now is far from the worst.  There is no “bottom” when it comes to narcissists or sociopaths.  There is no concept of “bottom” with those kinds of people.  You only have to look at world history to know just how far down things can still go.
You’ll notice that I haven’t addressed the Trump supporters at all.  Do you know why?  Because they already know the importance of voting!  Not only do they know it, but they’ve been voting all this time.  Every election.  Primaries, caucuses, mid-term elections, local elections, every single one.  It’s the rest you that haven’t.  It’s the great unwashed that just don’t “have the time” or “don’t know” or “don’t care” that gave way to Narcissist Trump and his cohorts. 
It is the apathetic majority that have become the silent accomplices to what Narcissist Trump and the sociopaths in the GOP have been doing.  You are Trump’s greatest weapon, because he expects you to still not give a damn and still not vote on Election Day.
So, after what you have seen for the past two years, if you are still not motivated to do the one thing that will voice your objection to the actions of Narcissist Trump and the sociopathic GOP, then you are complicit in their activities.  You are allowing things to go on as they have been, and you are giving these people permission to go even further.
And if you don’t like what I’m telling you, then vote anyway!  Just remember that what happens after Election Day is on all on you.  The world is watching, and history will judge us all.
I did my bit.  I carried out my responsibility.  Can you say the same?

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