Monday, May 22, 2017

Week of 05/22/2017

Impeachment Fantasies Versus Political Reality
In the Oliver Stone movie “Nixon”, Paul Sorvino’s Henry Kissinger laments on President Richard Nixon’s troubles prior to his resignation from office.  With impeachment threats becoming more and more real, Kissinger speculated that Nixon was who he was because he wasn’t loved by the people he needed the most.
“Imagine what he would have been like had anyone ever loved him”, he said.
I keep that particular scene in mind when it comes to separating Nixon from our current elected leader.
Donald J. Trump, our orange-skinned-wacky-man in the White House, has been in office not even half-a-year as of this column’s posting date, and people are not only spinning fantasies of removing him from office, but are even getting used to saying the words “President Mike Pence” and are trying to convince themselves that our current Vice President would somehow be better for the country than ol’ Orange Stain.  Hell, even the Vice-President has started his own Super PAC to prepare for it!
Every day the media and the Internet bring some new headline, some twist and turn involving Trump or the people connected to him, and the liberals and progressives and the rest of the anti-Trump crowd cheer and say “This is it!  This is the final straw that will break the man-child’s back!  He’s done!  He’s finished!  This will get him impeached and out of office!”
And people complain that pornography is unrealistic!
I can understand when conservatives and neo-conservatives and the rest of the red-hat freedom-hating fascists did it with President Obama for eight years; spinning delusional fantasy after delusional fantasy that they could somehow undo his election.  These are the same folks that watch professional wrestling and think that it’s real.  That explains how Trump can appoint Linda McMahon of World Wrestling Entertainment as head of the Small Business Administration and nobody batted an eyelash over it.
But, liberals?  Progressives?  Free-thinking people?  I expected more from you!  I mean, you guys are supposed to be the smart ones in the bunch!  You’re supposed to be the intellectuals!  What the hell are you doing jumping at clickbait headlines and acting like a bunch of red-hats when it comes to Trump stuff?
Yes, the actual “fake news” people who made their money off the sheer stupidity and extreme confirmation bias of the Trumpets are back and they’re finally able to make money off the liberals and progressives now that Trump is in the White House.  They couldn’t before, when it was believed that Hillary Clinton would win.  They tried.  They really tried, but they said that you liberals and progressives just didn’t take their bait.  You were supposedly “too smart” for them!
But now that our Narcissist-in-Chief is in the Oval Office, the liberals and progressives are clicking away at their clickbait headlines, eager to get any kind of reassurance that Trumpaconallus will be impeached and/or indicted and/or hoisted from his Twitter petard and sent packing to Mar-a-Largo for good.
Why, liberals?  Why, progressives?  Why do this?  Why indulge yourselves in these poli-porn fantasies?
Let’s get really, really, brutally honest here...
None of what you have seen or heard so far will get President Donald Trump impeached anytime soon.  At all.  Even with a special council appointed to investigate Trump’s possible connections to Russia.  Even with now-former FBI Director James Comey talking with members of the U.S. Senate and willing to testify in open hearings.  And even if former National Security advisor Michael Flynn sang like Beyoncé over what he knows, it still would not result in impeachment, never mind indictment, never mind getting any nearer to getting Trumpaconallus removed from office.
Why?  Because politics.
In order for the Congress of the United States to impeach Trump, the House of Representatives must bring up articles of impeachment, which they must actually vote on and pass.  Then they have to go to the U.S. Senate for a special trial presided over by the United States Supreme Court, where the senators have to vote to convict or acquit the President with a two-thirds majority for conviction.  Go ahead and look it up.  It’s spelled out in the United States Constitution.  We just went through all this twenty years ago with your buddy, President Bill Clinton.  (And who would have thought that *he* would look like a saint in comparison?)
I’ll remind you that the House of Representatives is currently under the iron grip of the GOP and run by “Mister Budget”, Speaker Paul Ryan.  They do not want to impeach Trumpaconallus.  At all.  Ever.  Period.
I’ll also remind you that the United States Senate is currently under the iron grip of the GOP and run by the slack-jawed turtle dick, Senate Majority Leader Mitch “The Bitch” McConnell.   They do not want to convict Trumpaconallus of any articles of impeachment.  At all.  Ever.  Period.
None of them will ever want to do anything to remove Trump from office because he represents all of those red-hat-wearing cult-like supporters that they and their friends in talk radio and Fox News and Breitbart and the rest of the conservative groups have been cultivating over the decades.  They created the crowds that voted for Trump and also keep themselves in power.  Those red-hat masses are the bumper crop of the seeds of discord that they sewed a long time ago.  To remove Trump is to go against those masses, and you do not go against the cult that keeps you in office.
I mean, you liberals should know all about that.  Why the hell do you think Nancy Pelosi is still around and still serving as the bane of your faction’s collective political existence?
On top of that, the United States Supreme Court is being dominated by conservative-leaning justices.  They do not want to do anything to challenge the status quo or upset the government.  At all.  Period.  The days of actual freedom-loving justices like William O. Douglas are long since gone.
Remember when Trump made the campaign claim that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose a single voter?  For once, he was not exaggerating about that!  That actually is a valid claim to make given what we know about his red-hat supporters!
But the scary part is that the same holds true to those in Washington now that he is the government.  At this point, Donald Trump could hypothetically have a dead hooker in the Lincoln Bedroom and hypothetically be found with blood on his clothes and be hypothetically holding the bloody knife in his hand and those in Washington will do everything in their power to excuse, justify, and validate it.  And it wouldn’t be because they like him or because they think he’s some kind of political savior.  They would do it because that is the nature of politics.
The impeachment poli-porn fantasies all rely on the members of the GOP suddenly “coming to their senses” and deciding that enough is enough.  It presumes that “Mister Budget” and “Mitch The Bitch” would actually “keep Trump in check” like they promised in 2016 when they first pledged to support him as their party’s nominee.  I would have a far better chance of spending the night with my favorite muse than to see the GOP leaders suddenly hold themselves true to their word.
Yes, Nixon resigned rather than be impeached, but that was because Nixon was a political creature and the people in charge of Congress were Democrats.  In other words, politics.  Plus Nixon was legitimately concerned about the nation and how it would handle such a divisive subject.  That’s actually a rare trait that we don’t see in today’s politicians  Bill Clinton was actually impeached because the GOP was in charge of the Congress so they just needed an excuse.  Again, politics.
Donald Trump, on the other hand, lives in his own narcissistic world of alternative facts, surrounded by myrmidons and soothsayers, with a political party that enables him and a dedicated group of red-hat-wearing cult members that live in that same alternative reality.  Again, politics.  And there is nothing at all to suggest that the GOP is willing to go against him, no matter what he does short of trying launch an all-out nuclear war.  Because, you know, it’s hard to govern a nation when it has become a nuclear wasteland. 
That brings us to that “other option” as provided in section four of the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  It’s a little confusing, but basically it gives a way out for Pence and the rest of the Trump lackeys to nudge Trump out of the way without an all-out coup d’état or having to go through the enablers in the GOP-controlled Congress.  It also presumes that Trump would have to be so deranged that nobody has any confidence in him anymore.  I’m not saying that it is not a possibility, but I will say that Trump will have to do something so extreme that his acolytes would have no choice but to invoke that option in order to save the world, and so far they’ve been keeping him from going that far.  I mean we’re talking “finger-on-the-button-screw-it-I’m-nuking-the-whole-world” extreme.
So my message to the impotent Dems and the liberals and progressives and free-thinkers and other anti-Trump people is this: Stay frosty.  Stay on point.  Don’t indulge in the poli-porn fantasies.  Certainly don’t fall into the clickbait traps.  Don’t presume that every twist and turn in our ongoing real-world soap opera “As The Trump Tweets” will lead to your much-desired reward.  Soap operas instinctively detest happy endings, especially when it comes to the real-world variety. 
Donald Trump is not Richard Nixon.  He isn’t even Bill Clinton.  He is surrounded by enablers, not opponents, and they will not help you in the least.  And as long as you engage in those poli-porn fantasies of impeachment being “right around the corner”, then Trump will be staying right where he is at least until 2021, if not 2025.  That’s a really long time to live in delusion.
The movie version of Kissinger wondered what Nixon would have been like if was loved.  Well, now we sort of know the answer to that.  He’d probably be like Donald J. Trump.

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