Monday, March 1, 2021

Week of 03/01/2021

America Needs A Special Prosecutor Not A Useless 1/6 Commission

In “Star Wars: Episode 1 – The Phantom Menace”, the delegates of the Galactic Senate are faced with accusations of the armed invasion of one of their member-planets by the all-powerful Trade Federation (aka “Galactic Corporate”).  The duly-elected queen of that world came to the Senate with first-hand testimony of said invasion only to be shouted down, mansplained, and gaslit by the senator from the Trade Federation.  The corrupt senator then demands a fact-finding commission be formed to investigate the “allegations”.  The Supreme Chancellor, hamstrung by “advisors” and lobbyists loyal to the Trade Federation, kowtowed to the Trade Federation and asked the queen to acquiesce to the commission. She could not and demanded for a vote of no confidence over the Chancellor’s impotence.  All, of course, according to the plans and mechanizations of her own senator, who (spoilers) was behind everything that happened just so he could ascend to that position.

The purpose of the commission, of course, was just to drag things on and bury the criminal act in obscurity, and, if the corrupt and incompetent Senate was anything like America’s, it would be so loaded with corrupt senators loyal to the Trade Federation that they would conclude that “nothing happened”.  An armed invasion with a staggering death toll would be whitewashed as the hysterics of a young woman inexperienced with the grown-up intricacies of trade negotiations.  Indigenous lives lost?  Who cares?

On January 6th, 2021, a date which must live in infamy for America, a hostile mob – riled up and sent to the capitol by the then-President of the United States, Narcissist Donald John Trump, and his acolytes and enablers – stormed the Capitol Building, where both the House of Representatives and the Senate were engaging in their constitutional requirements of certifying the results of the Electoral College that declared Joseph Biden the winner and next President of the United States.  The mob, some carrying weapons and zip-ties, had already erected a scaffolding with a noose to reportedly hang the then-Vice President for his refusal to stop the certification.  Congressional offices were raided and vandalized.  The building was desecrated with graffiti and human excrement.  Police officers were assaulted, and one was killed.

We know this happened.  It happened live on broadcast television.  And what wasn’t shown live was later presented as evidence in the second impeachment trial of then-President Narcissist Trump.

And yet… our incompetent members of Congress want to hold a fact-finding commission on the January 6th insurrection.


Not only “why” but… no!  Hell no!  We really do not need one!

It’s not like it was the Kennedy Assassination, when the only video evidence came from shaky hand-held cameras and eye-witness testimony that was hard to pin down.  Nor is it like the events of September 11th, 2001, where we saw the final effects playout on live TV and not the actions that led to that horrendous day.  Nor was it the Benghazi tragedy in 2012, where the details are skill sketchy but the accusations still fly and nobody has yet been impeached or indicted.

No, this crime against America itself was played out live on broadcast television and streamed online not only by the networks but also by the insurrectionists themselves.  They proudly videotaped their criminal activities and posted them on social media.  They owned up to and admitted being part of the insurrection and claim they were sent there by Narcissist Trump himself.

We know this was a long-term conditioned hatred of the election process as long as it wasn’t in that faction’s favor.  We can trace it going back to at least 2016, when said narcissist continually hammered in the idea that “it’s a rigged system” and that he would only accept the results of the election “if” he won.  You don’t need expert testimony for that; just someone doing a Google search.

What is there to figure out?  What great mystery is left uncertain?  Who knew or who didn’t know?  That’s being figured out already, with certain players already trying to claim ignorance while others pointed to long-standing threats from the very groups that ended up storming the building.  You don’t need a commission to figure out what is already being looked into or what we already know and has been submitted as evidence.

Let’s get brutally honest here… no, we do not need a congressional commission to look into the January 6th insurrection and attempted coup of the United States government.  What we really need are special prosecutors.  We need people armed with the information we already have to bring criminal charges on the ones highest on the list, namely Narcissist Trump and his cabal of enablers and supporters, including members of his family, his so-called “attorneys”, the special interest groups that continually whipped up the lie of a “stolen election”, and the militia groups that attempted to carry out the more violent aspects of the insurrection.  And, yes, if possible, that would include the members of Congress that allegedly helped with the insurrection.

There is only one real reason for a commission, and that is to hide and obfuscate and whitewash the events of January 6th.  That’s why the Trump Party members of Congress are demanding “equal” status on any such commission.  It’s not about supposed “fairness” or “bipartisanship”, but to negate any real evidence of who was truly behind the insurrection, and to focus attention on the mythical “antifa” scapegoats they were already claiming were behind the events.  Claims that they were making on the floor of the House just hours after the insurrection happened and the dead cop’s body was still warm.

By the way, just out of curiosity, just how many Al Qaeda enablers did the then-GOP members of Congress allow in their 9/11 Commission?  How many Libyans were included in their eternal investigation on Benghazi?  We have a party that has sworn fealty to the one person that would directly profit from said insurrection had it gone off as intended and whose member actively violated their signed oaths as jurors in an impeachment trial and some even actively aided said accused while the trial was ongoing.  To include any of them would be no different than including Al Qaeda members in the 9/11 Commission.  You want “fact-finding”?  You don’t bring in the people who don’t want the facts found!

Much like the Trade Federation in the fictional Star Wars universe, the real-world Trump Party enablers of the insurrection would use that “fact-finding commission” to dilute the impact of the event, bury it in baseless allegations, false equivalences, and so many “whataboutisms” that they would even question the time of day.  Congress – the actual victims of said insurrection – don’t deserve that.  America sure as hell doesn’t need that.  We have the facts.  We need prosecutors.  We need arrests and actual criminal trials and convictions and people sent to prison.  And I don’t just mean the small-fry tinfoil hat nutcases and self-professed “shaman” snowflakes with their sensitive stomachs.  That doesn’t come from Congress.  That comes from people whose jobs are to put the insurrectionists away.


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