Sunday, January 10, 2021

Special Comment - 01/10/2020

 Special Comment:
The Insurrection of 2021

On January 6th, 2021, in a date that will live in infamy on the same level as September 11, 2001, and December 7th, 1941, the America itself was under attack.  But not from enemies from different countries.  Not from Saudi-born terrorists or Japanese airmen.  Rather, America was attacked by our own people.

On January 6th, 2021, a mob went from a rally outside of the White House over to the Capitol Building and stormed the building and the congressional office building in only the first time since the War of 1812.  They did so at the behest of their narcissistic self-appointed messiah, President Donald John Trump, in order to stop Congress from fulfilling their duties in certifying the results of the Electoral College, in which former Vice President Joseph Biden won and will become the 46th President of the United States. 

They rammed through barricades and stormed walls; they shattered windows and pried open doors; they sent members of the Capitol Building police running while other officers disgraced their badges and posed for selfies.  They forced members of Congress and their staff and the Vice President of the United States shelter-in-place or be evacuated to secure locations.  They looted and ransacked the Capitol Building and the congressional and senate offices, posting their deeds on social media, sickeningly proud of what they just did.  They assaulted and even killed one police officer in the siege.  And they did not stop and leave until their narcissistic messiah, the self-appointed dictator-for-life President Donald John Trump himself, appeared on video telling them “go home.  We love you.  You're very special.”

Like the vast majority of you in America and indeed around the world, I was disgusted at these people.  These fake patriots.  These Americans-in-name-only.  These traitors and insurrectionists.  Watching them as they strolled around the Capitol building with Confederate flags and racist and antisemitic apparel and their Trump banners like it was a football game.

I was disgusted at their antics, their pompous self-righteous arrogance, but, at the same time, I was not surprised.

No, I was not surprised because I have literally seen this bubbling for thirty years!

I watched the hate and the divisiveness percolate from the early 1990’s.  I watched as it built up leading to the bombing of the Muir Federal Building in Oklahoma City.  To the bombing of the 1996 Olympic Games and in women’s clinics across the country and the self-justified outright murder of health workers.  I saw them use the terrorist attack of 9/11 as the justification for global war and for atrocities that qualify for crimes against humanity.  Several of those involved, I might add, were just pardoned by our current junta crime-lord.  I watched with disgust as they declared the first black President of the United States to be illegitimate and falsely accuse him of being born in another country.  We all saw as their cronies in Congress openly and actively sabotaged that same President’s efforts at every corner, including shutting down the country several times.  We all saw what happened in Charlottsville, with the outright riots and the lives needlessly harmed and killed.  Not to mention the tiki torch rally straight out of Germany’s “Triumph of the Will”.

No, Narcissist Trump didn’t encourage any of those things.  He simply latched on to this generational extremism and lured them to his side.  He didn’t create the hostile masses.  The conservatives did.  He simply assimilated them, like a businessman would.  And then he made them his jihadist army.

The events of January 6th were not some aberration.  They were not some peaceful protest gone horribly awry.  This was planned.  Multiple websites were talking about planned violence in the months following the election.  Not protest.  Violence.  The leader of the extremist group Proud Boys – you know, the ones that Narcissist Trump told to “stand back and stand by” – boasted on social media that he met with Narcissist Trump last month in a “secret meeting”.  If true, then there is a direct connection between the narcissist and the insurrection.

Let’s get brutally honest here... what happened on January 6th, 2021, was nothing less than an attempted coup.  An act of insurrection all to appease a disturbed narcissistic man-child who has never known loss and refuses to accept that he just lost his self-proclaimed imperial rule.  The only “steal” going on was Narcissist Trump’s attempt to steal the election that he lost.  And he did so by sending in his fanatical jihadists to assault the United States Capitol Building and try to hunt down members of Congress and stop them from fulfilling their constitutional duty.  You listen to his rhetoric and the rhetoric from his lieutenants before the assault, priming the mob up for their assault, and you hear his words when he tells them to “go home”.  This is clearly someone that knew what was going on and knew what they were going to do, and it wasn’t to just “protest loudly”.

And it wasn’t just Washington D.C. under attack that day.  Capitol buildings across the country were under attack as well.  Georgia’s Secretary of State had to go into protective custody that day from the threat of imminent assault.  He was already threatened repeatedly by the White House to supposedly “find” enough votes to overturn Narcissist Trump’s loss there.  America’s whole process was under attack at the whims of a deranged narcissist who refuses to admit that he lost.

From now until January 20th at 12-noon, Narcissist President Donald Trump is a clear and present threat to the safety of the United States.  His cult followers have already made their intentions clear that they will do this again, either before or during the inauguration. They need to be stopped.  And let’s not forget that he has access to nuclear weapons.  He needs to be stopped.  He needs to be removed from power, either through the 25th Amendment or through impeachment.

But it cannot stop there.  It cannot stop even if we can remove the narcissist from his throne, either now or on January 20th.  The people that stormed the Capitol Building need to face charges.  All of them.  A police officer was violently assaulted and died because of them.  That makes them all guilty of felony murder.  The Capitol Police officers that helped let the insurrectionists into the building need to be fired and arrested and face charges for helping in an act that led to the violent death of one of their own.  They are traitors not only to the nation but also to their own badges.  And certainly Narcissist Trump’s legion of lackeys and allies that stood there on that stage before and riled up that mob and sent them to assault the Capitol Building need to be arrested and charged with sedition.

We are on the precipice, people.  Even though the election is over, it is still very much “America or Trump”.  Only one will prevail.


(Note: Regular commentary resumes on 01/25/2021.)

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