Monday, November 9, 2020

Week of 11/09/2020


America to Narcissist Trump:
You’re Fired!

This message has been four years in the making. 

It was something that I have been wanting to say since 2016.

Donald Trump: You’re fired!

Whew!  That felt good.

Of course, I may still be premature about this.  Narcissist President Donald Trump is many things, and very few of them are good, but we do know that he is a liar and a cheater.  And he is part of a political party and faction that are notorious for cheating to get their way. 

There is still a way to go from calling the 2020 Scam and Possible Coup to Inauguration Day on January 20, 2021.  As of this column’s posting, we’re just at the “We won” stage.  We still have to get through the Electoral College, where things become official.  Yes, presumed President-Elect Joe Biden has enough electoral votes to win the presidency, but we still have to go through that.  If there is any way that Narcissist Trump can bully, manipulate, and steal those electoral votes, he will do it.

You’re going to hear the word “fraud” a lot.  From the same people who tried to pander the fraud that Barack Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii, and the same people who tried to pander the fraud that Senator Kamala Harris wasn’t “qualified” to be Vice-President.  Never mind that the only people peddling fraud lately seem to be for the narcissist. Then again, that is the M.O. for that party and especially for that political faction: cry fraud while carrying out fraud.  Cry “liar” while lying through their teeth, “abuse” while swinging the truncheon, “violence” when they’re the ones that are calling for death, and “riot” when they’re the ones smashing windows and setting places on fire. 

Projection; the go-to defense mechanism for criminal psychopaths and sociopaths.

Understand that we are dealing with a malignant narcissist who does not know failure.  To him, win is a win by any means he can, regardless of morality, ethics, tradition, honor, or integrity.  Even his own niece, a clinical psychologist, knows what kind of man he is.  This is someone with a history of not paying bills, of breaking treaties and agreements, of refusing to honor subpoenas, and of suing first and reneging later.  Having said that, I think that all electors should be under strict security watch from now until after the Electoral College is adjourned.

Oh, and remember all of those threats of punishment if any “faithless electors” vote contrary to their state’s turnout?  We even had a Supreme Court decision on that.  We could very well start hearing about possible “faithless electors” defying possible punishment with the hopes of a presidential pardon for their betrayal.

So, yes, until this is done, until the Electoral College meets and makes it official, and until we go all the way up to noontime, January 20, 2021 and Joe Biden takes the actual oath of office, I will not put anything past Narcissist Trump or his myrmidons or his enablers or his cult followers.  They have no honor, no integrity, no morality, no ethics, no character, and no balls.  Well, except for the fake balls hanging from the trailer hitches of their pickup trucks decked out like many an ISIL vehicle.

Also, this commentator has to disagree with the calls for “healing”.  I’m sorry, but that’s not going to happen.  You have a faction of this nation that are under the delusion that they really “won” the election, just like the Dems thought they won in 2000.  But the difference is that this faction carry guns and they threaten violence, and some of them even commit murder and justify it with their “both sides” lie.  This is not “spirited disagreement”, this is potential violent insurrection and maybe even civil war.  They don’t get to “heal” until they disarm, both physically and rhetorically.

Let’s not forget that the so-called “Blue Tsunami” or “Blue Wave” fizzled where it was needed the most: the U.S. Senate.  Mitch “The Bitch” McConnell, that slack-jawed turtle dick, is still in office, he won his re-election, and right now he is still in charge of the Senate.  He has a documented history of committing outright sabotage to get what he wants, including denying a Supreme Court confirmation and then rushing through three, with the last just a few weeks ago.  The Dems need to go all-out in Georgia to win both seats in run-off elections for that to change.  McConnell needs to be shut down, or else he will shut down any kind of action the next President wants done.  That is not speculation.  That is a fact with history backing it up.

Oh, and by the way, I haven’t even brought up the possibility that Narcissist Trump may find some way to stop the inauguration by declaring martial law or simply refuses to leave the White House after the inauguration and there is a siege situation at 1600.  Despite claims to the contrary, we are dealing with a malignant narcissist with an obscene sense of self-entitlement and self-supremacy, and someone who has never had to deal with losing at anything.  This commentator does not see a peaceful transition in the near future.

Let’s get brutally honest here... there is still a long, long way to go before we get to the inauguration, and while we may have fired Narcissist Trump, he’s still in the Oval Office until he either leaves or is forced to leave.  We need to take nothing for granted with him except knowing that he will lie, cheat, and steal to get what he wants, and he has a sizable portion of the nation willing to help make that happen.

Yes, we have fired Narcissist President Trump.  Congrats to the presumed president-elect.  But the rest of the nation that made this happen cannot rest or relax until the termination is complete and that the fired employee has been removed from the property.  Even then, the real work will just be starting.


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