Monday, July 6, 2020

Week of 07/06/2020

COVID Resurgence: This One is on Us
As of this article’s posting, it is the start of July, 2020.  And while most of the world is getting better and slowly reopening from the COVID-19 global pandemic, the United States is doing the opposite. 
We are posting record numbers of infections in all the states that were quick to open up to appease a certain orange-skinned narcissist.  Record deaths will most likely follow.  It does take time for the virus to wreak total havoc on the body, even with drugs and ventilators.  Meanwhile hospitals in America are again swamped with new patients and resources already stretched thin are pretty much gone.
And, you know what?  This is all on us.  I mean, we, the people of the United States of America.  We only have ourselves to blame for this viral resurgence that makes us the embarrassment of the world community.
The two things I keep hearing from people is that their plans will vary “depending on what the virus will do”, and that we re-opened up for business “way too soon”.
Both statements are bunk.
First of all, the coronavirus will “do” nothing to make things better or worse.  The COVID-19 virus is a very simple thing.  As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, it has two goals: thrive and multiply.  If it can do the former, it will do the latter automatically.  There is no brain involved with this.  No strategy.  No sinister plot.  It doesn’t pick and choose where it goes or what it does.  It doesn’t care about race or creed or ethnicity or gender or preference or age or political affiliation or religious beliefs or wealth.  It doesn’t care if you’re a celebrity or if you’re some dude that works at McDonald’s.  It will get you all the same.
So it’s not about what “the virus will do”, because the virus will do the same thing it has been doing all this time: thriving and multiplying.  It has always been what *we* will do to respond to it.
As for whether or not America reopened “way too soon”, I have realized that it really does not matter when we decided to reopen the country and get businesses back to work.  It could have been this past May or May of next year, it would not matter in the least.  Because as long as there are people infected, the risk of spreading it would always be there.
I’ll let you in on a little secret: the decision to reopen the businesses depended entirely on us, the people, to wear masks and practice social distancing and to wash our hands.  There is nothing about coming up with a cure or some kind of immunization, because those will take at least a year before any of it can become available to the masses.
And you know what happened once those pandemic restrictions started lifting.  We, the great self-centered self-important self-entitled ignorant lot, carried on as though there was no more coronavirus.  We refused to wear masks, we refused to social distance, we refused to wash our hands.  We went out and we demanded that our world continue like there was no coronavirus. 
Some workplaces even demanded that their employees work without masks and without social distancing or else lose their jobs.  Having to choose between getting infected and possibly dying or being unemployed in the midst of an economic collapse and risking bankruptcy and foreclosure.  Either way, people were endangered.  And all for money.  All for greed!
Granted, it would help if the virus was a little quicker on the attack.  It takes two weeks before we know something is wrong with us and, by then, the damage is already done to ourselves.  That’s two weeks of spreading it to our friends and co-workers and our family members and to anyone else we come in contact with that don’t wear a mask or practice social distancing.  Because they proudly claim - and I have personally heard them claim - “I don’t have the COVID”... until they do.  Yeah, it would help if it attacked sooner.  Like instantaneously.  And leave bright purple blotches where people can see them so we know who is infected.  Would be preferable.  Too bad COVID doesn’t work like that.
Let’s get brutally honest here... this is all on us.  Entirely.  America’s fault.  *Our* fault.  The COVID resurgence would not have happened if we continued to do our part and continued to stay home unless necessary and wear masks and carry out social distancing and wash our hands and clean like germophobes. 
Yes, we listened to the wrong people.  We listened to an orange-skinned narcissist who spent half the time proclaiming that the pandemic was a “hoax” and claiming that it would soon just “disappear” and the other half of the time pretending that it’s over with and he’s the “wartime savior” of America and the explosive recovery is right around the bend.  We listened to ignorant ass-kissing governors who wanted to appease said orange-skinned narcissist and put businesses over people.  We listened to the propaganda of talk radio and certain cable TV channels that pretend to be “news” as they regurgitated the delusions of said orange-skinned narcissist and his proclamations that the pandemic was “a hoax” and that it would just “disappear” and that it was no worse than the flu and that the “recovery” was on the way.  And then we listened to our friends and total strangers about how it’s all a “hoax” and that it would just “disappear” and that we shouldn’t be forced to wear masks.
But it is still on us.  All of it.  On us.  We had one job: stay safe.  We’re failing that.  We’re getting infected.  We’re getting sick.  We’re dying.  From the co-worker at your workplace all the way up to the White House Cabinet and the girlfriend of the narcissist’s oldest son.  That’s our collective fault.
So now we are being told to just deal with it.  We’re not closing.  We’re not shutting down.  We’re not stopping.  We’re not going to get a break or a bailout.  This is it.  It’s here.  Live with it.
And, again, that’s on us. Not China or any other nation.  All on us.
We have a choice, people.  We can either mask up and practice social distancing or we can continue to be ignorant self-entitled idiots and throw temper tantrums like spoiled children and continue to spread the virus amongst ourselves.  The longer we chose to act like children, the longer this will go on.  And that, too, is on us. 

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