Monday, March 9, 2020

Week of 03/09/2020

The Demise of the Presidential Wannabes
This column originally began during the 1996 Presidential Election.  The 2020 Fraud will be the seventh presidential cycle this commentator will be commenting on.  And during that time, this commentator has noticed a few things about the people who would wish to be the next President of the United States.
First, there always seem to be a lot of wannabes.  But not all of them will make a go of it.  There will always be some names that would be floated about as to who “should” run but would then decide not to.  If there are a lot, the air-fluffed, ego-driven media will throw tantrums about there being “too many”.  They will characterize the field as being absolutely mobbed by a nameless and faceless horde.
The air-fluffed, ego-driven media love a horserace.  They want to be the ones to quickly define the contest as being one versus the other and carry that narrative all the way through to the November elections.  It makes for great theater, especially if they’re the ones that create the horserace.
In early 2008, the media wanted the election to be a “New York Subway” race between Senator Hillary Clinton and the cheap Italian thug Rudy Giuliani.  They were the ones that continually hyped it up early in the race.  They kept on pairing Clinton and Giuliani in their fantasy political polls and speculated endlessly on who would prevail.  No other candidates counted in their minds. 
Unfortunately, they didn’t get that.  Instead, it was between Senators Barack Obama and John McCain.  The upstart “hope and change” guy versus the entitled “it’s my turn” establishment, and two people that nobody in the media ever thought had a chance save for Oprah Winfrey.
Eight years later, it was a mob for the GOP and the handful of Democratic wannabes.  And, again, the media wanted it to be Clinton and anyone not named Donald Trump.  We all know how that turned out.
So here we are again, 2020, and a whole mob for the Democrats and... just the orange-skinned narcissist who is now the President.  I would say there are few others running against the narcissist, however the bosses of the party that used to be the GOP have pretty much ruled that there are no other challengers to him, going so far as to outright cancelling primaries and caucuses.
And now, as of March of 2020, we go from a mob to... three wannabes.  Two old white guys and a woman.  All the other diverse faces, races, and genders have gone by the wayside thanks to the early primaries and caucuses.
Yes, I said three wannabes for the Democrats right now, even though you won’t hear too much of the one remaining female wannabe named Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard.  And that is a shame, because for all the screaming and bitching from the media about the “lack of diversity”, they’re saying almost nothing about the one woman left in the running (as of this column’s posting).
So... what happened?
Simple: reality happened.
This is a case where you have too many people running and nothing about them really stands out.  All of that diversity, different races, genders, ethnicity, and the only thing about them is they don’t like the narcissist in the White House to stay there one more year never mind four.
The success of Barack Obama in 2008 came because he was relative novice going up against the presumed entitled candidate in Hillary Clinton and he had a lot of people who saw something in that and pushed for it even as the Democratic Party kept on trying to shut him down in favor of their girl Hillary.  And then, when he got the nomination, he had the luck of going up against yet another entitled candidate in John McCain in November.  That’s not something that could be repeated this time around because there were simply too many “relative unknowns” in the running and an entitled candidate whose campaign was pretty much written off by people even before a vote was cast.  Everyone was trying to be another Barack Obama, and not only were they not him, but there were too many of them in the running for there to be anyone unique.
Also, there were two billionaires in the running.  One was Tom Steyer, whose strength was working behind the scenes.  The other was former New York City Mayor and businessman Mike Bloomberg, who came in late and then spent a half-a-billion on campaign commercials for the later primaries and caucuses.  A half-a-billion dollars, and all he won was the American Samoa.
Now contrast that with former Vice President Joe Biden, who had almost no budget for campaigning or commercials because everyone wrote him off, and yet now, after “Super Tuesday”, he’s the man to beat.  People voted for him because of his name recognition and the fact that he’s establishment through-and-through.
So it’s not just a matter of money or diversity, it’s a matter of recognition.
Bernie Sanders is another perpetual candidate in a crowd of relative neophytes that gained traction because people know who he is and what he stands for.  I’ve talked about him in my column four years ago and understands who he is and the appeal of his movement.  Quite simply, he’s too good for the Democratic Party.  He exposes them as being complicit.  That’s why the media has been hyping him and fearmongering him.  Be afraid, they say.  Be afraid of the man whose policies would not get past even an all-blue Congress!
And that brings us back to the woman you’re not hearing about... Congresswoman Gabbard.  If I would venture a guess why you’re not hearing too much about her in the media, this commentator would suspect it is because her name is not Hillary Rodham Clinton, the one female that members of the media really wanted to have elected.  It’s like they’re saying: “Joe is in the running, Bernie is in the running, Hillary is not running, screw it, let’s pick one of the other two.”
Let’s get brutally honest here... the reason why a lot of wannabe candidates don’t have a shot is because they pretty much do themselves in even before a single primary or caucus starts.  Sometimes there are too many people.  Sometimes people come in too late for voters to notice.  Sometimes they just don’t stand out.  And sometimes the establishment and the air-fluffed ego-driven media simply do not want them in the running.
This is precisely why I refer to every election, every campaign season (and goddamn the fact that there is one every year now) as a fraud, a fiasco, a hoax, a con-job, and a screw-job.  Because it really is.  And this is also part of the reason why we have a corrupt orange-skinned malignant narcissist in the White House today.  Someone who campaigned on saying it’s a “rigged system” even as he was taking advantage of it and is still working today to keep it rigged so he can stay in office.
And yet... if you want this to change, you need to do the one thing a lot of you don’t want to do.  Vote.  Not just in November, but in every primary or caucus, and not just for the big races, but also for the local and state ones too.  You just saw a whole bunch of people who wanted to be President drop away.  Any one of them could have been “your guy” or “your girl” if you put your vote behind them.  Don’t like what you see?  If your state allows it, then write someone else in, even if it’s yourself.  That becomes a public record and lets people know we don’t like our choices.
Just be thankful you have choices.  A certain orange-skinned narcissist would rather you didn’t.

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