Monday, July 29, 2019

Week of 07/29/2019

You Become The Hate That You Make
I’m going to start this off with a quote.
“If you hang around with losers, you become a loser.”
Some of you may probably recognize it.  If not, I’ll share with you the person who said it at the end.
I have come to realize that maybe my liberal and progressive friends were right about something.
Perhaps it could very well be true...
Narcissist President Donald Trump is a racist.
Up until recently, I’ve given him the benefit of the doubt.  Narcissist like him do not see themselves as a part of any kind of group.  Narcissists see themselves as being above everyone and everything else.  They believe themselves to be the smartest of the bunch, the top of the top, the elite of the elites.  Not just smart, not just a genius, but a super-genius.  The smartest of smart.  Whatever it is that people see as being the best, narcissists seem themselves as being one better than that.   The apex of everything.  A self-supremacist.
So to say that someone like Narcissist Trump is a racist would be demeaning to his narcissism.  That would lump him into a group, and narcissists cannot see themselves as being equal to anyone else.
And yet... his recent words and deeds leads me to believe that his is in fact a racist.  He may not have always been one, but he has certainly become one.
The New York Times has dug into Trump’s words and deeds going all the way back to the 1970’s, and there are a few alleged incidents, but it was his presidential campaign where it really started to come out.  His attacks on Mexicans being “criminals and rapists”, his criticism of a federal judge because of his Mexican heritage, his declaration that immigrants from Haiti “all have AIDS”, his degradation of Native Americans, and his re-tweeting messages from White Nationalists are all documented.
Certainly his bigoted hatred of President Barack Obama was made clear prior to Narcissist Trump running for the White House.  From challenging Obama’s birthplace (Hawaii) and education, to challenging his every policy agreements and treaties, to the number of times Obama went to play golf, Trump has continually proclaimed he would do everything different.  And, to his credit, Narcissist Trump has done things differently.  He is made it his mission to repeal, revoke, and otherwise dismiss everything Obama ever did.  And then when it came to golf, Trump has outdone Obama in the number of vacations and golf outings he has taken.  Narcissist Trump has played golf more times in his current occupation in the White House than Obama, and perhaps more than any other president in history.
But it his very recent attacks that have convinced this commentator that Narcissist Trump could very well be a racist.
First was his attacks on “The Squad”; the four newly-elected congresswomen – all United States citizens, three of them born in the United States, and the fourth being a nationalized citizen longer that Narcissist Trump’s current wife – telling them all to “go back” to the countries they came from.
Just a reminder to you red-hat cult followers, even though I’m sure none of you will comprehend this, three of the four women he targeted were born in the United States of America.  This is the country they came from!
Here’s another reminder: the four women were all recently elected *because* of Narcissist Trump and his actions and attitudes. They would not be in Congress if not for him and his cult supporters and his enablers in the Trump Party!
And then there is this: Narcissist Trump decided to bully longtime Congressman Elijah Cummings of Maryland, pompously declaring that the City of Baltimore is “filthy” and a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.”  The comments are the latest in a string of tirades where he has declared various cities – all predominantly African-American – as being horrid and “the worst”.
Just wondering... where did “Pizza Rat” come from?  You know, the rodent stealing a slice of pizza that epitomized filthy conditions?  Oh, right, New York City.  Donald Trump’s home base.
For this commentator, that was enough for me to change my mind about Narcissist Trump not being capable of being a racist because of his narcissism.
Now... what has changed, besides the fact that Narcissist Trump is now occupying the White House?  Well, he has been associating himself with plenty of nationalists and supremacists.  From Christian Nationalist and Vice President Mike Pence to his white nationalist advisors, to fascists and chickenhawk warmongers, Narcissist Trump’s White House is more just “white” in name.  Trump has openly declared himself to be a “nationalist”; it’s just a matter of filling in the prefix as to what kind of nationalism he supports.  His words and his deeds do that for him.
And it does not matter if he that says he’s “not a racist”.  I do not know anyone who proudly declares themselves to currently be one.  Narcissist Trump is a habitual liar, with well over ten-thousand documented lies since taking office and rocketing up faster than SpaceX.  Anytime he makes that kind of denial there should be a rimshot and a laugh track to follow it.
Let’s get brutally honest here... you become the hate that you make.  If all you are spewing is racial hate, then that is what you are.  If you are supporting white nationalists and Christian nationalists and white supremacists and Christian supremacists, excusing their activities with claims of “both sides” and retweeting their dog whistle messages, then that is what you are.  If you are hanging around with white nationalists and Christian nationalists and white supremacists and Christian supremacists and warmongers and fascists and putting them in positions of power and influence, then that is what you become.  Your actions and your words define who you are, not what you claim to “believe” to be.
And that brings me back to that quote at the beginning of my column...
“If you hang around with losers, then you become a loser.”
Do you know who said that?  It was a certain host of the reality TV series called “The Apprentice” who said that.
You may have heard of him.  His name was Donald Trump.

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