Monday, August 15, 2022

Week of 08/15/2022


Media: Shut the Hell Up About Precedence and Divisiveness!

This is an open message to the news services.  The real ones, that is.  Not the ones that are the poorly-disguised propagandist tools of a fascistic party and their orange-skinned narcissistic self-appointed messiah.  This doesn’t really apply to them because they’re not playing these games like you guys are.

There are two things that the news services have been obsessed with of late concerning politics in general and anything associated with said orange-skinned narcissistic self-appointed messiah of the fascistic party.  Two things that they continually drone on and on about that they really need to stop.

The first is this obsession with precedence.  This is regarding that certain orange-skinned narcissist.  You guys are really fixated on “precedence” when it comes to any kind of action concerning that orange-skinned narcissist.  Every action, be it an investigation, be it talking about criminal charges, be it a grand jury, be it the recent execution of a search warrant at the Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, all of it you continually say “has never happened before with any other president, current or former!”

No kidding!

No, we have never had a former President of the United States of America under actual criminal investigation, or had a search warrant executed at their residence, or had a grand jury hearing for possible criminal charges including racketeering.  We’ve also never had a former president under investigation for violating the Espionage Act.

We’ve never had a president before him who refused to release his tax returns at all and fought tooth-and-nail to keep anyone from seeing them.  Hell, he’s still fighting it!  Every time the courts rule against him, he files yet another appeal and demands they be kept secret.  He’s not even pretending to claim he’s “under audit” anymore.  No other president, current or former, has ever done that.  They have all made their returns available when asked back when they were candidates.

We’ve never had a president before him who did not previously serve in some other political or military capacity before being elected president.  Not as a soldier, not as a member of Congress, not as a governor, not as a state legislator, not even as a local dog catcher.

We’ve never had a president before him who acted like a mob boss and treated the office like a third-world criminal organization.  Who demanded one-sided loyalty and fealty over country, law, ethics, or even politics.  Who weaponized every office under his control to serve his will specifically.

We’ve never had a president before him who did not blatantly violate the emoluments clause of the United States Constitution.  All previous presidents have been careful to not give the appearance of impropriety when it came to their business dealings.  Even Jimmy Carter had to be careful because of his brother’s short-lived beer business.  But not this guy.  Nope.  If he wasn’t in the White House, he was at one of his hotels or resorts, and everyone knew it, which is why world leaders would pay those places a visit.  And his hand-picked members of the U.S. Supreme Court allowed him to get away with it.

We’ve had presidents before him who have been impeached by the House of Representatives.  Two to be precise, and one of them over lying under oath about oral gratification.  But we’ve never had a president before him who was impeached twice (and not-convicted twice).  Almost all previous presidents have had at least some modicum of respect for the office to not go through impeachment with the obvious exception of those three presidents.  Even Richard Nixon had enough respect for the office to resign before he could be impeached.  But not the narcissist.

We’ve never had a president before him who refused to accept the results of the election, and who blatantly said he wouldn’t years beforehand!  He was the one who out-and-out said with a straight face “I will accept the results of the election... if I win.”  He said that in 2016 and he continued to say it in 2020, laying down his plan to declare voter fraud months before the November election.

We’ve never had a president before him who refused to have a peaceful transition of power.  Instead, he filed more lawsuits than a whole law firm of ambulance-chasers, campaigned for money from his believers, and incited an insurrection on January 6th, 2021.  No president before him has ever done that.  Ever.  He didn’t even bother to show up at the inauguration of his successor.  He just fled to Mar-a-Lago like the gutless coward that he is.

No, we’ve never had a president like him before.  Ever.  And we’d like to make sure there is never one like him ever again.

So shut the hell up about precedence.  There is none when it involves him.  At all. 

The other thing that the news services are fixated upon is this fear of “divisiveness”.  And this is focused more on the fascistic political party and the extremist faction of America that said orange-skinned narcissist has appointed himself the messiah of.

It seems like every action taken by either the White House or Congress since the orange-skinned narcissist has left office is under the news service filter of whether or not it would be “divisive” or if it would either “divide America” or “further divide America”.

Every bill being proposed, every White House action, every executive order, every investigation made, is all done with the fear that it could be “divisive”.  The news services keep asking over and over about whether or not any action done, or no action at all, would “further divide the nation”.

Stop it!  Just goddamn stop it!

Let’s get brutally honest here... America is already divided.  It has been for years now, and it’s not going to get any better.

What, did you think that we’d all just come together after the narcissist left office?  That everything would be just hunky-dory and the fascists would just work with the Democrats again like nothing happened?  You are delusional if you think that way!

America has been divided for decades now.  Decades.  And it’s only gotten worse over the years.  Where once it was a matter of political party, and then political leaning, now it’s become a death cult party of the narcissist, with all of the biases and distortions and delusions in full unapologetic view.

There is no amount of appeasement that will satisfy this faction of America.  Inflation could be erased tomorrow, gas prices brought down to a $1 a gallon, free food and Internet for every American – hell, they could each be given a million dollars in cash – and that faction will continue to hate and despise everything that isn’t connected to their messiah.  Their followers in the legislature will continue to oppose whatever their leader tells them to oppose.  They’ll continue to spin tall tales about how horrible everything is because their messiah is not in the White House.

We’ve seen this before, of course.  Not just in Italy in the 1920’s and Germany in the 1930’s, but with America in the time before and after the Civil War of 1861.  The same mindset, the same mentality, the same level of extremism, the same rhetoric, even the same level of militant posturing and acts of violence.  The divisiveness didn’t end after the Civil War did.  No, they kept it going even after the “Confederacy” died.

The only way those divisive sides ended was when their people did.  When they died off or otherwise met their ends violently.  It was easier for Germany and Italy to get rid of their fascists only because there was a World War that did them in and they happen to lose badly.  19th and 20th century America, not so easily. 

The folks here in the American Southeast still cling to old mindsets because that’s what their pappy and grandpappy and great-grandpappy taught them.  They whitewashed their history, making them appear to be the victims of an overreaching federal government when they themselves were the instigators who tried to break off from the government that they now claim they love.  And that mindset continues on with our current divisive group of so-called “Americans” who wave the banner of the narcissist.

So lay off with this talk about “divisiveness” and whether or not the country will be “divided” or “further divided” by anything that is done or not done by the guy currently in the White House.  Everything that is done or not done by the current President will neither mend nor widen the divide that already exists.  The faction that follows the narcissist like the death cult they are in will not see reason.  They will stay bitter and hostile and divisive until they either come to their own senses on their own or until they eventually shuffle off this mortal coil, and this commentator is leaning more towards the latter for a good majority of them.

Seriously, news service, knock it off with these games.

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