Monday, June 24, 2019

Week of 06/24/2019

The Politics of Sadism
There is an ethical question that goes something like this: if there was a way to cure all illnesses and sicknesses in the world, even cancer, but the price to get this was the torture of a young innocent child, would you accept it?
I think that most of us would say that it would be unacceptable.  That we would not allow an innocent child to be subjected to torture and torment even if it resulted in something that would benefit everyone.
Now mind you I’m not saying that you would be the one to torture or torment that innocent child.  You wouldn’t have to see it or even know who it was.  Just to know that in order to get this wonderful thing, that it would cost the pain and suffering of one innocent child.
I would like to think that most of us would say that this was unacceptable.
And yet I also sadly suspect that many of us would still be perfectly fine with it.  Hell, some people would even line up to be the tormenters.
That little feeling of delight in the misery of others is known as sadism.  It’s one of those sick things that we really should not take pleasure in, and yet we do.
Sadism is also a powerful tool used in politics. 
Take a group of people that you don’t like.  That you hate.  That you absolutely think that the world would be better if they didn’t exist anymore.  Of course, you can’t kill them all, as much as you would like to.  You can’t “Thanos Snap” them into dust.  But you can make their very existence as miserable as possible.
Take prisoners and force them to wear neon-pink jumpsuits with neon-pink underwear.  And not the boxers, either.  Briefs.  Have them work cleaning up trash along the highways in those neon-pink outfits.  Especially in those hot and unbearable summer days with the humidity that is just this side of being pure liquid.  No air conditioning.  No TV.  Just water and peanut butter sandwiches for all the meals.  Hey, why not, right?  I mean, they’re prisoners.  They’re criminal scum!  They deserve misery and torment, right?
Too easy.  Let’s try another group of people that we don’t like.
Hey, how about all the people on welfare?  We don’t like them, do we?  Just ask the red-hat-wearing folk that listen to talk radio and watch Fox News and the rest of the extremist conservative and fascist social media.  Oh, “we” don’t like people who are on food stamps or get unemployment or are on Medicaid!  They’re “moochers” and “leeches” and “fakers” and “lazy” who are living the “high life” on our tax money.  Oh, wait... that should just be “our” money, right?  That’s how the red-hats have always seen it as being.  Not “tax money” but “our money”.
Again, the red-hats can’t just exterminate people who need assistance, as much as they wish they could; so, instead, they’ll do everything in their power to make life miserable for people who need government assistance so they won’t ask for it anymore.
First, let’s force them to take drug tests!  After all, if a big private entity like a corporation can require its employees to undergo drug testing, why not big government?  So every time those poor people fill out forms, let’s have them also take drug tests!  Hell, let’s have them take drug tests at random.  You want to keep getting that money?  You pee in the cup any time we tell you to!  Matter of fact, why not right now?  Get going!
Let’s also tell them just exactly what that welfare money can be used for.  Because “we all know” about the family that buys filet mignon and lobster and champagne with food stamps, right?  “We all know” this to be true and the red-hats will even tell you that they have “actually seen” them do it.  Just like narcissist Donald Trump could magically see all the Muslims in New Jersey cheering the fall of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11.  Because, you know, narcissists and sociopaths and fascists have that special power to see things that other people can’t.
So, yeah, let’s tell them what kinds of food and drink that poor people should be “allowed” to purchase.  And let’s put the burden on the overworked and underpaid store cashiers to personally account for each purchase.  Hell, a lot of them are also on assistance so they’ll know themselves how the system should work.
Let’s put them to work too!  Red-hats love to attach work conditions to assistance.  “What?  You can’t work because you can’t put the kids in day care?  Not our problem!  Don’t have the kids in the first place.”  That’s what the red-hats always say.
Oh, but wait, that’s not even the extent of sadism the red-hats have for people on assistance!  Some of them also demand that people on assistance get a special check-out lane, and that they should be forced to personally apologize to all the other shoppers and beg for forgiveness for having to need government assistance.  Considering that a good percentage of those aforementioned cashiers are also on assistance, you can see why that idea will never fly.  But it keeps making the rounds.
By the way, the red-hats have a very narrow view of what constitutes as “welfare”.  You know all the corporate entities that get tax breaks and tax cuts and bailouts?  Yeah, those aren’t considered “welfare” according to the red-hats.  You won’t see the red-hats demand that farmers pee in a cup when they get aid from Narcissist Trump’s tariff-fetish, or micromanage just how the money is to be spent.  It’s just the “poor people” who are on “welfare” that get their sadism.
Thanks to the narcissist in the White House, we have a new target of sadism: immigrants. 
Well, not the people who are coming in on the corporate visas that the sociopaths in Washington love to dole out like they were free samples of Viagra.  “We” don’t mind bringing in people from India with three doctorates and a willingness to work cheaper than American workers, and, thus force them to join the ranks of the “evil” welfare recipients.  And, no, “we” don’t have a problem bringing in immigrants who are married to or related to the Narcissist-in-Chief.
It’s just everyone else that the red-hats hate and don’t want coming to America.  The dark-skinned people from Haiti, and the brown-skinned people from Cuba, and the brown-skinned people from Latin America and South America and… well, it’s pretty much anyone with more melanin than a red-hat that they don’t want coming to America.  “Nation of immigrants”?  No, no, red-hats refuse to call themselves that!  They’re not “descendant of immigrants”!  They’re “descendants of settlers”!
Anyway, now we have all these people who are coming to America because they are escaping persecution, poverty, torment, drug gangs, third-world dictators, and they are trying to seek asylum in America, and instead of coming in they are being stopped at the border and not allowed in and are being forced to stay in these “detention areas” that the red-hats refuse to call “concentration camps” – even though that quite literally is what it is.  We have children separated from their parents.  Children sleeping on the floor.  Children sleeping in cages.  And we actually have government officials telling a judge – as a matter of public record – that the United States Government is under no obligation to provide anything for the children they are holding in these detention facilities.  Not a bed.  Not soap.  Not a toothbrush.  Nothing.
And it’s not like things are better for those that are already in America.  People who are here “illegally” are not allowed to get the very welfare programs that the red-hats already despise (even though the red-hats continue to spread the lie that they do).  They can’t vote (even though, again, the red-hats claim otherwise).  And they are in continual threat of being rounded up en masse at the whims of a narcissistic and psychologically unstable President.  Even those who are here legally are hesitant on leaving the country for fear that they will be barred from returning.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg in the use of sadistic measures against groups that the red-hats don’t like.  You want to stop certain groups from voting?  Change the voter registration law to demand a driver’s license only instead of any kind of government ID for proof of eligibility.  Can’t drive?  Too bad.  You want to shut down women’s clinics?  Put restrictive medical demands.  Shut down adult entertainment businesses and entertainers?  Go after the bank accounts and zone them into oblivion.
And that’s not to say that only red-hats engage in the politics of sadism.  Just ask the tobacco industry and the firearms makers and the people that used to make lawn darts.  But it seems like of late that the red-hats have really embraced the idea of making other people suffer.
Let’s get brutally honest here... if you want to engage in acts of sadism against those groups you hate and despise, that’s more reflective of the kind of person you are than those you are targeting.  Just ask the Germans if you think history would look at you favorably for your sadism.  Don’t care about history?  Well, they thought so too at the time.  So did the Serbians in the 1990’s.
Now think about this: what would happen if *you* were in their situation?  Would you accept ever-increasing levels of sadism imposed on you?  The American farmers certainly didn’t expect to need government assistance after Narcissist Trump got elected.  Imagine if they were treated the same way as the red-hats treat food stamp recipients.  Pee in the cup, fill out the gazillion forms, and find some kind of work in order to keep getting those tariff subsidies.  You want us to bail out Wall Street?  We get to tell you how to live your lives.  Don’t like it?  Don’t be reckless in the first place!
Doesn’t feel good, does it?  I truly wish some of you would know what that is like.  Maybe the next financial collapse will give you that perspective.  You can tell yourself that it won’t happen to you, but this commentator knows from experience that it can.
I imagine a good percentage of the red-hats would claim to be Christian, so I’m sure they would remember a little passage from the New Testament:  “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
Tell me... which among you red-hat so-called “Christains” would be sadistic to Jesus?

Monday, June 17, 2019

Week of 06/17/2019

We Don’t Need Another Evil Superman
I was recently asked if I would want to see the movie “Brightburn”.  I knew just enough of the movie to not only say “no”, but “hell no!”
For those who do not know, “Brightburn” is the 2019 movie directed by David Yarovesky and produced by “Guardians of the Galaxy” director James Gunn.  The gist of the movie is this... a kindly couple adopt an alien baby and raise it as their own.  This boy grows up and he discovers he has powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men.
Sound familiar?
Oh, but here’s the twist: despite being brought up by his parents to do right, he doesn’t.  And, soon, people start getting maimed and killed by a hooded figure with glowing eyes called “Brightburn”.
That’s right, folks; this is an Evil Superman story.
This is essentially the opening quarter of the 1978 “Superman” movie and the 2013 movie “Man of Steel” remade into a horror movie.
For those who do not know, Superman is my first and longtime favorite superhero.  He is powerful, iconic, respected, all the things that I was not when I was growing up.  He always got the girl.  He always saved the day.  He always did the right thing.  And he had beautiful women fighting over him!  Who wouldn’t want that?
Of course he’s been re-imagined and re-invented over the past few decades.  He used to be all-powerful.  He was far from being the “Last Son of Krypton”.  He had super-pets, including a horse, a dog, a cat, and a monkey.  He had a whole list of powers that were just too absurd, including – at one point – being able to fire miniature versions of himself from his fingers.
Today, Superman is a family man.  He is married to Lois Lane and together they have a son, Jonathan.  He still has incredible powers, but they’re the more “traditional” kind.  And, no, he doesn’t masquerade as a hooded murderer.
So you can imagine my reaction to the idea of a movie where my icon would be perverted into a villain.  It’s pretty much the same reaction many people felt when they saw Captain America say “Hail Hydra”.
Even worse, this comes after Warner Brothers dropped the ball on the reboot of Superman, starting with “Man of Steel” and ending with “Justice League”.  After they ran a series of comics based off the “Injustice” and “Injustice 2” video games where Superman becomes a homicidal tyrant.  And after the CW aired a three-part “Elseworlds” crossover special that featured a black-suited Evil Superman while also sidelining their version of Superman yet again.
Recognize a pattern here?
Granted, “Brightburn” wasn’t released by Warner Brothers, and I’m sure Producer Gunn did everything in his power to make sure the only connection to Superman was in the vaguest of ideas.  But it still doesn’t help that there seems to be this continual effort to paint my favorite superhero into a villain.
I can understand the desire to come up with an Evil Superman, though.
Evil Superman represents the ultimate fear in society... an unchecked and unchallengeable abuse of power and a betrayal of trust.  Something that you can’t fight, even if you wanted to.  Something that cannot be stopped.
Evil Superman is essentially a symbol of an abusive and tyrannical government.  He is the cop that shoots first and justifies later.  He is the county commissioner that has people arrested for asking questions.  He is the corrupt politician that uses his office to benefit himself and his friends.  He is the narcissist president that boasts he can shoot someone in broad daylight with impunity.  He is the very evil that we want to fight, and the one that we delude ourselves into believing that we would fight... but we know that we won’t.
And, quite frankly, we have way too many of those already.
Let’s get brutally honest here... it is time we stop promoting and highlighting the stories of Evil Supermen.  We don’t need to hear how power corrupts and can be abused.  We’re living it.  We’re seeing it happen on a daily basis.
What we really need is a symbol of hope.  That’s what Superman – the original superhero – embodies.
More than anything, what makes Superman so special is not what he can do, but what he does with those powers.  He was created by two Jewish boys in Cleveland, at a time when anti-Semitism was rampant not just in Europe, but in America as well.  He was created at a time when evil was going unchecked.  He was created as someone who could fix the problems of the world and would not be cowered or bought out or stopped.
Superman encourages people to do better and be better.  Even when stripped of most of his abilities, as DC Comics did to him a few years ago, he still made a stand and took whatever lumps was dished out.  And in doing so, he encouraged others to do the same.  To stand up for what is right.  To believe that things can get better.  That’s something no Evil Superman could ever do.  That’s why Superman has survived and endured in American society for over eighty years.  He is more “American” in heritage and character than certain “Muricans” in power today.
No, I cannot stomach seeing my favorite character twisted into a symbol of abuse and fear.  Because we really need more people like him.  We need to see more stories about characters like him to encourage people to do better and to be better.
“Brightburn”?  “Injustice”?  Crossover Evil Superman?  To hell with you all.  Go back to whatever fevered nightmares you came from.