Monday, August 3, 2020

Week of 08/03/2020

The H.N.S. Trumptanic
That was the claim made by the builders of the R.M.S. Titanic over a century ago.  They claimed that they had come up with a cruise ship that was guaranteed to not sink, even if it took on water.  That there were safeguards in place that would keep the ship afloat even if the hull was punctured.
Of course, as history showed, the Titanic ended up on the bottom of the ocean anyway.  On her maiden voyage to the United States, the British ship hit an iceberg, took on water, and sank during a span of almost three hours.  Over 1500 people died on that ship and a little over 700 people survived to tell of what happened.
Numerous inquiries into the how and why this supposedly “unsinkable” ship failed revealed a few things that helped contribute to the disaster.  First, the warning about icebergs in the area from a nearby ship was ignored.  Second, the ship sailed with a grossly insufficient amount of lifeboats.  Third, the crew were inept and untrained in handling disasters like a sinking ship.  Fourth, the vast majority of the passengers – all from the “third class” group – were left to fend for themselves and a lot of them were trapped below and left to die.  And, fifth, the captain was incompetent.  Of course, he wasn’t able to refute that afterward because, you know, he went down with the ship.
There was some speculation that the Titanic could have sailed on through to America even with the damage it sustained had the safeguards that were built into the ship were put in place.  But that would have taken into consideration a competent captain and crew that knew how to handle the situation in the way the ship was designed.  Sadly, that was not the case.
In short, we learned that even an “unsinkable” ship can fail due to the incompetence of those in charge.
Such is the same with the “ship of state” that we call America.
This is a “ship” that has been taken over by its captain and crew and rechristened the H.N.S. (His Narcissistic Self) Trumptanic.  It is under the command of a bloviated orange-skinned buffoon of a captain named Donald John Trump that believes that he is unsinkable, and thus “his ship” is unsinkable as well.
It is a “ship” that has hit an iceberg called the COVID-19 global pandemic.  And it is taking on water.
And here, much like the Titanic, the Trumptanic is suffering from gross incompetence.  First, the captain was inept and did not heed the warnings.  Second, he was slow to respond to the emergency.  Third his “crew”, a.k.a. the Trump Party that control two-thirds of the government, are equally inept and incompetent. 
And now we know that, much like the R.M.S. Titanic, the H.N.S. Trumptanic lack the proper lifeboats.
Yes, Trump and his gang of psychopaths and sociopaths had to work with the Democrats to come up with a huge bailout for America.  Protections to keep people paid while businesses had to shut down.  Help for those out of work so they can keep paying the bills and getting the food they need.  Moratoriums against getting people evicted in the middle of shelter-in-place orders and from businesses from being shut down when they can’t pay the bills due to lack of revenue.  These were all needed to keep the “ship of state” afloat.
But those “lifeboats” were not enough.  They were predicated on a virus that would just “disappear” and everything would be back to “normal” in record time.  Unrealistic expectations on both the virus and the American people, a good percentage of which are still operating on the delusion that it’s just “a hoax” and it would just “go away”.
Not only that, but these “lifeboats” have been badly mismanaged.  No surprise given the “crew” that were put in charge of it.  They made sure their friends in the “first class” crowd got the best and left most of the “third class” folks to fend for themselves.  Ran out of money quickly?  Wow, how did that happen?
So now those “lifeboats” are expiring.  Those protections that kept people employed, that kept the unemployed sustained, that kept people from losing their homes... those have either ended or they will end soon.  The pandemic hasn’t gone away, the H.N.S. Trumptanic is still sinking, and our orange-skinned captain and his crew of psychopaths and sociopaths don’t seem to care about helping out the rest of us.
Oh, sure, there are “ideas”.  The Dems passed a bill back in May that would have addressed the problem.  The crew of the H.N.S. Trumptanic, on the other hand spent that time complaining about the protections they already passed, rejected any thought of enacting more, and then waiting until the very last minute to even come up with a bad idea and then blame the Dems for not rubber-stamping it.
This is a tactic that the crew of the Trumptanic has played for years, long before their “captain” took over.  They did it during the Great Recession, rushing through a massive bailout on the onset, then screaming bloody murder over it, and then letting further assistance expire, purposely letting Americans suffer before quickly coming up with some quick fix that would also quickly expire and they could play the game all over again.  It is not done by accident.  It is done by design.  The same arguments, the same rationalizations, the same expiring clock.  The only thing different between then and now is the scope.
Let’s get brutally honest here... America’s “ship of state” known as the H.N.S. Trumptanic is sinking, and it is sinking fast.  It is under the command of an inept and incompetent captain, and a crew of sadistic psychopaths and sociopaths that only care about themselves and their friends in the “upper decks”.  All they want to do is shuffle the deck chairs and watch as the rest of us drown in a cold murky sea of misery.
With the protections from foreclosures and evictions expiring, with the unemployment assistance ending, and with people forced to choose between possible disease and death and economic destitution, the economic misery we have already experienced is about to get worse.  Already the United States lost one-third of our gross domestic product in the past quarter, the highest loss ever in the history of the country.  Now add the coming crash of people losing their homes, losing their jobs, losing their money simply because of the incompetence of the captain and crew of our “ship of state”, and you have to wonder if we will even make it to November.
There is one way that the H.N.S. Trumptanic differs from the Titanic, and that is the captain of the Trumptanic will not go down with his ship.  His narcissistic self does not have the sense of honor and duty that a normal leader would possess.  When he does flee like the rest of the rats, you’ll know that it’s too late for the rest of us.  All we could do then is just hold on and try to survive.
“Unsinkable”?  Not with these people at the helm.

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