Monday, June 10, 2019

Week of 06/10/2019

The Big Lie That Is Our Economy
Two decades ago (as of this posting) there was a mega-corporation that was so huge and so powerful, it didn’t just have an undue influence on national politics (which, by now, is pretty much commonplace anyway), but it could and did help orchestrate the ouster of a sitting state governor as well as engineer the election of his replacement.
That big mega-corporation was Enron.  A corporation that was considered too-big-too-fail but failed anyway.  And when it did fail, it affected a huge segment of the population.
You see, a supposedly “powerful” and “successful” mega-corporation was actually a failing house of cards, and underneath that “power” and “money” was actually a lot of debt.  Normally that debt would swallow a business.  But Enron’s supposed “smartest guys in the room” were able to shuffle that debt into “new ventures” and then claim a profit off the transaction.
It was a corporation built on lies and sustained by more lies.  That included getting the complicity of one of the prestigious accounting firms at the time, so they would lie to sustain even more lies.  It was perfect so along as they could create new “businesses” to transfer their debts and transform them into “profits” that existed on paper only.  And when it all inevitably fell, they tried to hide the truth by destroying the documents so they would be able to shrug and say “We just don’t know how this could have happened.”  Yet another lie that would try to bury all the other lies.  Except that they got caught.
But today we are able to look back at that mega-corporate house of lies and see just how and where they failed.  And then... we would lie to ourselves one more time and say that it was just an aberrant fluke.  A failure of watchdogs to do what they were supposed to do.  The corruption of a system of checks and balances that would not happen again... until it did just a few years later with the Great Recession.
We continue to lie to ourselves about these things, because history has shown that every safeguard that we put up to prevent the “next financial disaster” has failed.  Every single one of them, every single time.
They fail because America’s economy is also a huge house of cards sustained by big stinking lies.  And every lie that is exposed collapses just a little bit of our economic house of cards and threatens to topple it all.
One of the biggest lies perpetrated is the myth that Wall Street is reflective of Main Street.  That good fortune in Wall Street and a strong market run is indicative of a healthy economy for everyone.
That is a lie.
We saw first-hand during and after the Great Recession that even though Wall Street and the rest of Big Corporate were rebounding at record speed, the economy overall wasn’t.  Jobs were not returning so fast, and, when they were, they were nothing like they were before the fall.  Even today, with Wall Street breaking records, workers wages have remained stagnant and have even lost ground.
So if Wall Street and Big Corporate have been doing great, why isn’t the rest of the country?  Why isn’t Main Street seeing these gains?  Why isn’t your street or even my street seeing those gains?
That’s because Wall Street is not a measurement of the economy, and it certainly is not a measurement of Main Street or your street.  Wall Street is a financial crack house, with highs and lows that are more the reflexive actions of drug addicts instead of the sober and measured decisions of sage advisors. 
Another big lie spun in the past decade is to call rich people “job creators”; based on the myth that only the wealthy create jobs, and that it is the reason why they have that wealth.  Have I seen a “poor” person create jobs?  Yes.  I have.  I have seen people who call themselves “poor” create jobs.  I’ve seen people who consider themselves “middle class” create jobs as well.  But just because people or groups with money “can” create jobs, that does not make them “job creators” any more than calling someone a “porn star” just because they “could” appear in a porn movie.
Again, the Great Recession showed that record profits and tax cuts do not translate into job creations.  All it did was make the rich even more rich.
If you actually create jobs, *then* you can call yourself a “job creator”. Otherwise, you’re just a greedy miser, and you are lying to yourself and to the whole world if you think otherwise.
We lie about capitalism and free markets.  We pretend that businesses thrive in competition.  The truth is that the business world does not like competition.  It hates competition.  It does not want a free marketplace.  It hates free marketplaces.  It wants monopolies.  It is always striving for monopolies.  One business, one customer base, and no other choice or alternatives.  That is what they strive for.
Look at healthcare in America.  Look at insurance companies.  Look at Big Pharma.  Look at Alphabet and Facebook.  Look at AT&T and Comcast and Disney.  You don’t see competition.  You see mergers and acquisitions.  You see a handful of really big corporations buying out everything they can so they can try to be that one universal business.  Competition?  No such thing.
We even lie about the number of people out of work in America.  We measure the number of people who get unemployment compensation from the government versus the number of people employed and we call that the “unemployment rate”.  But that compensation doesn’t go on indefinitely.  When it runs out, that person is removed from the rolls.  We lie and say that they “stopped looking”.  It is a malicious and slanderous lie, but one that is allowed to continue because it hides an unpleasant truth and makes the business world “look good”.
President Obama’s “unemployment record” was full of lies, because the decrease in the unemployment rate came from millions of Americans who ran out of benefits, not because they “started working” or that they “gave up”.  That same record that Narcissist President Trump is trying to claim as his own came from those same lies.  Millions of Americans who no longer were counted as unemployed simply because their benefits expired, or because they were considered ineligible.
Speaking of Narcissist Trump, I would be remiss if I did not point out that he is the very epitome of yet another lie that we have that says that a “businessman” would somehow be superior in governing than anyone else.  Narcissist Trump, a self-promoting clown act who lies with wanton abandon and zero accountability, who has – according to a certain newspaper – lost over a billion dollars in other peoples’ money in the late 1980’s to early 90’s, and then reportedly turned around and claimed it was a million-dollar gain by using the same “winning” tactics by Enron.  I wish we could say that was simply “old news”, but we can’t find out if he did something different or better since then because of his intentional blocking of any access to his tax returns.
We have been told so many lies over the years.  Americans were lied to about being able to afford the house they live in.  Americans were lied to about being able to afford the payments on that new or used car.  Americans were lied to about affording that college education, believing that whatever cost would be paid for by the new money from that hypothetical new job or promotion that would be waiting for them.  Americans were told they could afford to go on that vacation or buy that new outfit or get the latest TV by putting it on credit.  Americans were told they could afford healthcare and that new drug that they see on TV that would make their life better.
And then, when those lies were exposed, and that part of the house of cards come down, the liars craft a new lie to pretend they never knew this was a lie and that they never told the lies in the first place.  “What?  You mean you really couldn’t afford that second mortgage?  We didn’t know this!  What sort of idiot gets a mortgage that they couldn’t afford?”  Well, grifter, you know precisely what kind because you were the one that sold it to them!  Just like the executives at Enron, our other liars want to pretend that they didn’t know how these things could happen so they could remain “ignorant” and thus “blameless”.
Topping off this potential colossal mega-disaster is the lack of viable solutions.  Regulations and legislation are only as good as the people enforcing them.  We have a so-called “Consumer Protection” agency that has been intentionally and systematically gutted at the behest of Narcissist Trump and transformed into a doublespeak agency that protects the corporations and not the consumers.  We have regulations and legislation that are currently being gutted, repealed, voided, and even outright ignored because the people currently in charge were put there to do just that. 
And I’ll remind you all that every so-called “safeguard” that was set up following every previous economic collapse were proven to be useless to prevent the next collapse from happening.  Every single one.
Increasing the minimum wage?  Mandatory minimum income?  Free healthcare and college?  These all sound nice.  They’re great political gimmicks.  They are digestible notions that can be both easily propped up and easily condemned.  They are political fast food.  But they don’t solve the problem of income inequality or fix a predatory system that is designed to force the 90.1% of Americans into endless suffering, misery, and debt, while at the same time keeping the upper 9.9% where they are on the food chain.  That requires a completely different and total change of mindsets that will never be addressed simply because it would upset the status quo.
Let’s get brutally honest here... America’s whole economy is just a colossal version of Enron, with lies on top of lies sustaining debt and burdens that we’re just trying to keep from falling on us.
Yes, we are lied to and we buy those lies and we get burned by those lies and then we buy into the lie that shifts the blame from the lies to ourselves because... well, because we don’t know any better.  Or because we can’t fathom a system that would treat us fairly.  Or because we believe that this is just how things are.  Or maybe even because we feel we deserve it. 
Whatever the rationale, we are collectively the reason why things are the way that they are; because it all depends on us, the great unwashed, to keep this Nation-Enron going.  If we decide to not play their games, if we decide to not buy that new home, or go on that vacation, or buy that new TV, or get that new education; if we decide to hold on to our money like the upper 9.9% do, then that affects the economy.  And then it all comes down on us.
Enron failed because the supposed “smartest guys in the room” believed that they could keep their economic house of cards going indefinitely.  They thought they had created a system that would turn loss into gains, negatives into positives.  All they were really doing was delaying the inevitable fall for as long as they could.  So too is America’s economic system just doing everything to keep that inevitable fall from happening.  The only difference is that our great fall would be so much more devastating if we don’t truly fix it.

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