Monday, July 30, 2018

Week of 07/30/2018

Trump Welfare
As a general rule, I refuse to accept the notion of “unintended consequences” when it involves anything concerning the government.  Any form of government, large or small, has an inherit responsibility to deliberate over any action they make and the possible consequences of those actions.  That is why they are there in the first place.  If they do not do this, then they are guilty of incompetence, period.  They cannot and should never be allowed to plead ignorance for what happens after they pass a law or enact a policy or impose regulations.
That especially includes our orange-skinned narcissistic self-professed “very stable genius”, President Donald Trump and his sociopathic gang of enablers and myrmidons in Congress.
The Narcissist Trump sells himself as a master dealmaker.  A lot of the stupid things he does is apparently done as a way for him to offer a solution to a problem that he created, so he can then pat himself on the back for the “masterful deal” that he made “for us”.  He’s like the attention-seeking arsonist that sets fires so he can call himself a “firefighter”.
Case-in-point, the Trump Tariffs.
Now, bit of history here. Once upon a time, before the federal income tax was made part of the U.S. Constitution, the only constitutionally-recognized form of income for the federal government was through tariffs and duties.  They served a dual purpose of getting revenue for the government and also in preventing other countries from undercutting businesses in America with cheaper goods.  In fact, the GOP’s predecessors, the Whig Party, prided themselves in continuing Alexander Hamilton’s idea of using tariffs to supposedly “protect” American goods and services.  The push for “free trade” didn’t even come about until the end of World War II as one of the many ways to hold off the scourge of communism.
Fast forward to today...
The Narcissist Trump thinks that America isn’t being treated “fairly” in global trade, so he’s slapping tariffs on goods coming into America from countries like China, Canada, and Germany.  Those countries are then jacking up tariffs on the products that we export to them.  The end result, of course, is that everything will soon be more and more expensive.
The Narcissist Trump thinks that those other countries would be “hurt” by the tariffs so they’ll come begging to him to “renegotiate”.  The fires are set, and now the arsonist-firefighter is waiting for someone to cry “fire” so he can put them out.
But the truth is that those other countries will *not* be hurt by the Trump Tariffs in the least.  We will.  America will.
Companies and countries that get hit with the tariffs do not pay for those themselves.  They pass those costs to the consumer in the form of higher prices.  So that soda can that used to cost $1 in the vending machine may soon cost $1.50 or even $2 because of the added price of aluminum for the can.  That $7 cup of coffee from Starbucks may cost $10 because of the coffee being imported.
The whole idea behind tariffs is to make it more expensive to rely on the imported goods, so we would favor our own.  But that presupposes that we have those. 
We don’t make aluminum like we used to back in the day.  We don’t grow coffee like the Latin American and South American countries do.  Your already-expensive SUV or truck will soon be more expensive because we don’t make many of the components in that vehicle in America.  We only put them together and slap logos and labels on them and sell them in America.  We have gotten so used to getting stuff from other countries that we stopped making them here.  That’s why it’ll hurt Americans long before it bothers any other country.
The Trump Tariffs will hurt everyone, but Narcissist Trump thinks that it will hurt the American farmer more than anyone else.  So much so that Narcissist Trump wants so spend $12 billion taxpayer dollars on aid to those struggling farmers.
So now we have Trump Welfare to go with the Trump Tariffs. 
I know that word “welfare” feels insulting to the Trump cultists and his enablers, but that is what it is.  It is welfare to farmers.  A government handout to those Narcissist Trump feels will be “hurting” from the Trump Tariffs.
Bear in mind that this comes just months after Narcissist Trump’s cronies instituted new policies that cut down on the other kind of welfare… the ones that help those already hurting from our maliciously abusive economy.  A maliciously abusive economy where wages have been stagnant for so long that already-hard-working Americans have to ask for help just to make ends meet.  Hell, one certain notorious big-box store is known for showing their low-paid employees how to apply for that help.  And that also includes people who are on disability that are being told they need to find work to keep getting the money they need to make ends meet, even though many of them are not able to work in the first place.  Those are the people that were deemed to be “deadbeats” by Narcissist Trump and his gang of sociopaths and that money is now going to be given to the farmers to compensate them for the Trump Tariffs.
Let’s get brutally honest here... the whole mess is just another example of the sheer incompetence of our narcissistic president and his toadies.  Narcissist Trump, the self-professed master of “the deal”, clearly did not grasp the full extent of his Trump Tariffs and how they will hurt the very Americans that voted him in office, and his band-aid solution with the Trump Welfare going to the farmers only adds insult to the injury he incurs on us.
His gross incompetence on this matter was made plain in June when Harley Davidson announced that they would be moving their manufacturing overseas, partially to escape the Trump Tariffs.  Narcissist Trump responded with an outright tantrum, threatening to tax the American company into bankruptcy.
This is who you elected, America.  An incompetent man-child with an eggshell ego who calls himself a “very stable genius”.  You should be so proud of yourselves!  Winning!
Of course, America will not be winning this.  America will be paying the price for the follies of Narcissist Trump for years to come.  We will pay for this with higher prices, a sinking economy, and a sullied global reputation.  Like all other deals broken by Narcissist Trump, the rest of the world will look at our future trade deals with a hint of mistrust, always having to wonder whether the next elected leader will proclaim that we’re not being “treated fairly”.  Instead of bargaining from a position of strength, we will be begging for forgiveness in future trade negotiations, apologizing for our momentary lunacy, and trying in vain to let the world know that Narcissist Trump is not representative of the nation.
Protectionism and tariffs only work when you are in a position to be self-sufficient.  You’re only hurting those other countries with tariffs if you still have the same products here for people to turn to.  Otherwise, you’re just price-gouging your own people. 
We have enjoyed the blessings of a global economy for sixty years; struggling to reach a point to where the world can enjoy our goods and services, and vice-versa.  And, quite frankly, we’ve gotten so used to that blessing that we now depend on those other countries for the little things.  That is why Narcissist Trump’s “America First” trade policies will not only make us “America Last”, but also “America Lost”.

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